CCPlace Privacy Notice

Your presence at this web site may be made known to some authorized CCPlace Staff Members. We do not collect personal information or other information that is sensitive to you. We do not deploy the use of cookies to collect any information about you. However, we may record you as a visit to our page and thus may increase the current count. We also may log visits to specific pages to analyze how traffic flows throughout our site. Sometimes we can also get an idea of what type or version browser you are using. This information helps us to plan on our site. The information that we do collect is general and only stays in our database for a select period of time. We do not use the information unless we need to solve an abuse problem or something of that nature. Overall, you shouldn't worry about anything because we only collect general information so we can analyze our site. This helps us to plan on using newer web technologies that require certain versions of web browsers.


This page was published by the CCPlace Staff. No duplication of this page or any part of this site is permitted.